Source: Infrastructure/MsgPackSerializer.js

var Stormancer;
(function (Stormancer) {
    var MsgPackSerializer = (function () {
        Creates a new MsgPackSerializer.
        @class MsgPackSerializer
        @classdesc Serializer based on MessagePack.
        @memberof Stormancer
        function MsgPackSerializer() {
            The name of the serializer.
   = "msgpack/map";
        Serializes an object into a byte array.
        @method Stormancer.MsgPackSerializer#serialize
        @param {object} data The data to serialize.
        @return {Uint8Array} The byte array.
        MsgPackSerializer.prototype.serialize = function (data) {
            return new Uint8Array(msgpack.pack(data));
        Deserializes an object from a byte array.
        @method Stormancer.MsgPackSerializer#deserialize
        @memberof Stormancer.MsgPackSerializer
        @param {Uint8Array} bytes The byte array
        @return {object} The deserialized data.
        MsgPackSerializer.prototype.deserialize = function (bytes) {
            return msgpack.unpack(bytes);
        return MsgPackSerializer;
    Stormancer.MsgPackSerializer = MsgPackSerializer;
})(Stormancer || (Stormancer = {}));