Source: IPacketProcessor.js

Represents a packet processor. Packet processors handle packets received from remote peers.
@interface IPacketProcessor
@memberof Stormancer
Method called by the packet dispatcher to register the packet processor.
@method Stormancer.IPacketProcessor#registerProcessor
@param {Stormancer.PacketProcessorConfig} config The packet processor configuration.
var Stormancer;
(function (Stormancer) {
    var PacketProcessorConfig = (function () {
        Creates a packet processor configuration.
        @class PacketProcessorConfig
        @classdesc Contains method to register handlers for message types when passed to the IPacketProcessor.RegisterProcessor method.
        @memberof Stormancer
        @param {object.<string, function>} handlers Specified message handlers map by message type.
        @param {function[]} defaultProcessors The default message processors.
        function PacketProcessorConfig(handlers, defaultProcessors) {
            this._handlers = handlers;
            this._defaultProcessors = defaultProcessors;
        Adds an handler for the specified message type.
        @method Stormancer.PacketProcessorConfig#addProcessor
        @param {number} msgId A byte representing the message type.
        @param {function} handler A function(Packet) to be executed when receiving a packet with the message type.
        PacketProcessorConfig.prototype.addProcessor = function (msgId, handler) {
            if (this._handlers[msgId]) {
                throw new Error("An handler is already registered for id " + msgId);
            this._handlers[msgId] = handler;
        Adds an handler for all message types.
        @method Stormancer.PacketProcessorConfig#addCatchAllProcessor
        @param {function} handler The default message processors.
        PacketProcessorConfig.prototype.addCatchAllProcessor = function (handler) {
            this._defaultProcessors.push(function (n, p) { return handler(n, p); });
        return PacketProcessorConfig;
    Stormancer.PacketProcessorConfig = PacketProcessorConfig;
})(Stormancer || (Stormancer = {}));