var Stormancer;
(function (Stormancer) {
A connection to a remote peer.
@interface IConnection
@memberof Stormancer
@member Stormancer.IConnection#account
@type {string}
@desc Account of the application which the peer is connected to.
@desc Name of the application to which the peer is connected.
@member Stormancer.IConnection#application
@type {string}
@desc Event fired when the connection has been closed.
@member Stormancer.IConnection#ConnectionClosed
@type {function[]}
@desc Connection date.
@member Stormancer.IConnection#connectionDate
@type {date}
@desc Unique id in the node for the connection.
@member Stormancer.IConnection#id
@type {string}
@desc Metadata associated with the connection.
@member Stormancer.IConnection#metadata
@type {metadata}
@desc The connection's Ping in milliseconds.
@member Stormancer.IConnection#ping
@type {number}
State of the connection.
@member Stormancer.IConnection#state
@type {Stormancer.ConnectionState}
Close the connection.
@method Stormancer.IConnection#close
Gets a service from the object.
@method Stormancer.IConnection#getComponent
@param {string} componentName Type of the service to fetch.
@return {object} The requested component.
Register components.
@method Stormancer.IConnection#registerComponent
@param {object} component The component to register.
Sends a system message to the peer. (System reserved)
@method Stormancer.IConnection#sendSystem
@param {number} msgId Message ID.
@param {Uint8Array} data The data to send.
@param {Stormancer.PacketPriority} priority Priority of the message.
Sends a packet to the target remote scene. (System reserved)
@method Stormancer.IConnection#sendToScene
@param {number} sceneIndex Scene index.
@param {number} route Route index.
@param {Uint8Array} data Data to send.
@param {Stormancer.PacketPriority} priority Priority of the message.
@param {Stormancer.PacketReliability} reliability Reliability of the message.
Sets the account and application associated with this object. Used only serverside.
@method Stormancer.IConnection#setApplication
@param {string} account The account ID.
@param {string} application The application name.
@alias ConnectionState
@enum {number}
@memberof Stormancer
var _ = {
/** 0 */
Disconnected: 0,
/** 1 */
Connecting: 1,
/** 2 */
Connected: 2
(function (ConnectionState) {
ConnectionState[ConnectionState["Disconnected"] = 0] = "Disconnected";
ConnectionState[ConnectionState["Connecting"] = 1] = "Connecting";
ConnectionState[ConnectionState["Connected"] = 2] = "Connected";
})(Stormancer.ConnectionState || (Stormancer.ConnectionState = {}));
var ConnectionState = Stormancer.ConnectionState;
})(Stormancer || (Stormancer = {}));